Thursday, February 21, 2013

Akhirnya Blogger PR mengaku terima RM3000

Pagi tadi Bullet ada post pendedahan yang dibuat oleh Mymassa mengenai beberapa blogger pro pembangkang yang menerima elaun dari kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat (DISINI).

Tunggu punya tunggu, tidak ada mana-mana pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat yang berani tampil memberikan penjelasan atau menafikan pendedahan ini. Namun, agak memeranjatkan apabila blogger Amenoworld lebih dulu mengaku bahawa beliau sememangnya menerima bayaran RM3000 dari kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat dengan hanya menulis 4-5 artikel/pembohongan.

Anda nilailah sendiri bagaimana kerajaan yang telah gagal membela nasib rakyat di Selangor terutamanya ibu tunggal serta gagal menyediakan air percuma sebagaimana yang dijanjikan kepada rakyat Selangor, boleh pula mengupah blogger dengan elaun RM3000 sebulan semata-mata untuk menyebarkan fitnah terhadap pemimpin-pemimpin kerajaan dan menulis artikel-artikel yang lebih sarat dengan pembohongan berbanding dengan fakta. BERBALOIKAH??? ADILKAH BAGI RAKYAT DI NEGERI-NEGERI PR???

Anda boleh lihat sendiri pengakuan blogger pro PR ini DISINI (Main Page)...

Dalam masa yang sama, ketika Bullet merayau-rayau dari blog ke blog, Bullet agak tertarik dengan ulasan blogger Sabah Eco mengenai isu yang sama. So, jom layan ulasan blogger ini menghentam kerajaan PR pula:
""...Each cyber mercenaries are paid RM 3000 per month in exchange for their service to distort and create false perception towards the present government's effort not only in their day to day service to the people, but also willing to stoop as low as to assassinate their character in cyberspace for the whole wold to see. 
What is saddening this operation sole intent is to distort, create false impression rather than being used for the well being of the people of Selangor? Are Lies and Slander has been their creed? 
Since the fund is sourced out from the coffers of the Selangor State Government, why is it being used as a means of self preservation of the current regime in Selangor and not for the betterment of her people? 
The State government of Sabah as well as her ministers in the Federal Level have worked day and night for the betterment of her people. Efforts have been carry out to disseminate correct facts and information. Both State and Federal government have work and continue to work in sync all for the people in the land below the wind. 
Even as now with the current Militia incursion crisis that is still on-going in Lahad Datu is still being monitor yet these 'cyber mercenaries' only creating more complications: via creating confusion and panic among the masses not only within the immediate vicinity of the crisis..."" - Baca Selanjutnya (DISINI)


  1. amenoworld tu sindir oooo. kita kena kerja kuat. org atas tu tgok2 juga kebajikan kami

  2. PR bazir wang rakyat untuk upah blogger buat fitnah.


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