Kota Kinabalu: Penampang Umno took Pakatan Rakyat to task for rejecting the overall general election results but recognising the outcome in areas where it favoured them like Penang, Kelantan and Selangor.
Penampang Umno Chief, Datuk John Ambrose, said: "Pakatan has sworn in their Penang Chief Minister, Kelantan Menteri Besar and will soon be swearing in their Selangor Menteri Besar. If they do not recognise the results, they should not have recognised it in states where they have won. This is hypocrisy."
Ambrose was commenting on Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's statement that it will protest Barisan Nasional's victory in the 13th General Election and will be calling a rally Wednesday to reject the outcome as it was achieved through electoral fraud.
Ambrose said if Anwar claimed that the election was won by BN through dubious means, then Anwar should not have allowed the taking of oath in the states that it won.
"BN would have also cried foul play in the three states controlled by the opposition but it did not and instead respect the decision of the voters in the three states.
BN has been magnanimous in its victory as well as defeat and Anwar should do likewise," said Ambrose.
He said as the election is over, Anwar should assist in the progress of the people and country.
"If he is unhappy with the results, he should file petitions in court and challenge it instead of taking to the streets and making unsubstantiated statements," he said.
He said protesting will not bring about any good for the country as business as well as foreign investor confidence in Malaysia would be affected.
"We cannot afford to jeopardise the peace and security of the country which take years to build as we move forward to achieve developed country status through Vision 2020," he said.
Ambrose said Penampang Umno fully supported Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Datuk Seri Musa Hj Aman in leading the country and state, respectively, again.
"The combination of Najib and Musa has bring about much progress and development to Sabah and we are happy that this arrangement will continue," he said.
Ambrose said the election results also indicated that Sabah remained the "fixed deposit" state for BN.
"We suffered some losses but overall, Sabah BN was able to deliver 22 out of the 25 MP seats to form the Federal Government," he said, adding that BN won in all the grey seats such as Tuaran, Beaufort, Tawau, Pensiangan and Keningau, among others. Ambrose said with the mandate, BN will be able to continue its transformation programmes in its aspiration to become a developed nation with high income by 2020.
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